We have repeatedly talked about how the home can tell something about you, telling your story, based on the style and furniture choices you make. One very famous, if niche, style of home decor is luxury interior design. This type of home decor is, without a doubt, for lovers of elegance, beauty and quality.

When we talk about luxury we refer, easily, to glitz and ostentation, but, in reality, the pursuit of beauty at all costs goes beyond the arrogant display of goods and possessions. Luxury interior design is an established mindset that prefers the culture of beauty.

For this very reason, in fact, interior design must speak of you. Aspiring to elegance, style, and quality is as personal a trait as that of those who choose a more easy, functional mood, with thoughtful but unrefined design.

In this article I will discuss the topic of luxury interior design by analyzing trends, companies that do it and the professionals who work on it.

What is luxury interior design

Luxury interior design, as mentioned, is a style of furniture that, due to cost and intended use, is restricted to a specific niche. The key elements are highly selected materials, prestigious and customized finishes, and accurate craftsmanship.

A type of home decor capable of satisfying both lovers of modern and classic. The most important feature is the search for aesthetics in every element, shape and color, going beyond the mere practical function of the object or furniture. The ultimate goal is to instill aesthetic pleasure, tending toward artistic depth.

Home design, but more importantly, store design commercial environments are the ideal destinations of luxury interior design, not leaving out luxury residences, yachts, clubs, resorts or exclusive hotels. These are all fields of application where the approach is contract interior design, where a client entrusts the implementation and furnishings to a party that will deliver the project on a turnkey basis. Luxury interior design in Italy: trends

Interior design, in the latest period, has well-defined trends, especially with regard to luxury interior design. Again, although aesthetics rule the day, having comfort and functionality is absolutely important. Here are some main trends to follow if you want to furnish in luxury style.

Abandonment of square shapes

With the rise of the minimal style, in vogue in the very last few years, luxury interior design had also adjusted to favor square shapes, at the expense of the rounded. The trend, as is often the case, is reversing. Luxury style, in particular, is moving toward shapely designs and furnishings that are useful in giving rooms fluidity. Rounded and enveloping lines for sofas, furniture and chairs, aimed at giving a decisive break from other types of furniture tending toward essentiality.


Having become part of our daily lives as well as hi-tech, eco-sustainability is the new frontier in furniture. Not only with the use of natural materials, but above all, with recycling and reuse, always trying to create original and functional furniture solutions.


Luxury interior design is, for sure, a unique and visually striking style that aims at the enhancement of beauty and elegance. We have seen how some trends have become style must-haves: made in Italy, hi-tech and eco-sustainability, for a mood that is truly elegant but, certainly, always in step with the times. In addition, we gave an overview of some of the luxury interior design companies that are based in Italy but operate internationally.
What we can say, in conclusion, is that this is a very important market, the luxury market, in which Italian brands have great prominence and consideration, in addition to benefiting economically.