Privacy Policy

Information pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, “Personal Data Protection Code”, the following information is hereby provided:

1) Nature of Data:

We will process your personal data (name, surname, email, residence, telephone, mobile phone, etc.), accounting/fiscal data (e.g. address of warehouses, bank details, etc.), and data relating to your economic activity (e.g. type of work, etc.).

2) Modalities, Purposes and Duration of Processing:

2.1) These data are collected and processed in order to fulfil the mandatory obligations connected to our business, legal status and contractual relationships in force at the time. The data may be communicated to all members of our internal structure (administrative, commercial, production, etc.), but also to parties outside our organisation, such as subsidiaries or affiliates or others that carry out tasks on behalf of the company (e.g. tax obligations, sales network, shipping, archiving, IT, consultancy, transport, etc.); to banking institutes, for the management of receipts and payments deriving from the execution of contracts; to subjects acting as agents for the recovery and protection of credit; to commercial information companies for the assessment of company solvency and debt behaviour; to any other subjects provided for by law.

2.2) Subject to your consent, which you may always revoke, data will also be used to:

a) carry out studies and statistical and market research; b) communicate and/or send, including by automated means, advertising and informative material and commercial information by telephone, SMS, MMS, video and similar means, email, hard copy, fax and/or as an attachment to the invoice; c) carry out direct and indirect sales activities; d) carry out interactive commercial communications e) carry out surveys, polls and customer satisfaction surveys on the quality of services, including by means of telephone interviews; f) identify, also using electronic processing, consumer habits and propensities, to improve the service provided, meet your specific needs with advantageous promotions and propose new services and products by Staffoni Arredamenti. Data are processed lawfully and according to rules of correctness and confidentiality, in full compliance with Legislative Decree 196/03, with the help of both computerised and manual/paper instruments, and are entered into databases managed directly by Staffoni Arredamenti.

3) Optional Nature of Data Provision:

The nature of the provision of such data is optional, but necessary for the establishment and/or performance of all contractual obligations, so failure to provide such data may prevent the establishment of the relationship, its continuation or its total or partial performance.

4) Persons to Whom Data May Be Disclosed:

The aforementioned data, as well as the data processed by the parties, will not be communicated or disseminated outside the cases provided for by law and the processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency to protect the confidentiality and rights of the persons concerned.

5) Rights under Art. 7 and 130:

You may exercise your rights under Articles 7 and 130 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 with regard to this data; you may object to the processing in question at any time by sending a letter, email or fax to the Data Controller.

6) Data Controller:

The data controller is Staffoni Arredamenti with head office in via Triumplina n. 78 25123 Brescia (BS) – TEL 030 200 0382 E-mail: